Published on Wednesday 12th October 2022
Get ready to receive words that'll update you, and put you miles ahead of the enemy as our Man of God teaches us in this next season of YOUR LOVEWORLD SPECIALS, taking place from today Monday 15th to Friday 19th August 2022.
Tell a friend to tell a friend, and invite everyone to be a part of it. Connect via 7 pm (GMT+1) daily.
'Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor: If either of them falls down, one can help the other up...' (Ecclesiates 4:9-10 NIV) Learn more from this special...
Do you desire to be a success? Do you want to know how? Then this show is specially packaged just for you!This is a show you definitely don't want to miss. It's new, it's fresh and it will surely...
Glory! Young people from all around the world are ready and excited to receive insights into mysteries and secrets of the kingdom as the Captain of the First Flight, Rev.(Dr.) Chris Oyakhilome, will...
"During #IEYC2022 our dear Man of God unveiled to us how we can be Super Effective and yes, we are happening everywhere in our Nation now! With this Message, the Name, the Spirit, and the...