Published on Friday 30th April 2021
Your favourite GYTV will be airing live today, Friday from 12PM GMT +1 on
We have loaded episodes of Young Achievers, Live Your Best, GYTV News, EYC and so much more.
The icing on the cake is the lit🔥 episode of the Inside-GYLF Live show, that will be airing all the way from Cape Town, South Africa. Today is indeed loaded and you can't miss it!
Invite everyone on your contact to join you and their lives will never remain the same again.
Global Youth TV - Youthful and Enriching Christian Programming
Egypt is a nation that is quite averse to the preaching of the Gospel, with prohibitive laws and threat of jail term, if caught. Undeterred by the circumstances and driven with passion to impact his...
A massive publicity wave for the July 2023 Healing Streams Live Healing Services with Pastor Chris, continues in Indonesia 🇮🇩, as members of the Global Youth Leaders’ Forum take healing...
It's that time of the year again when GYLF Ambassadors will be carrying out acts of kindness across the globe in honour of our dear man of God. Stay glued to this space to see inspiring acts of...
In commemoration of the 2023 International Youth Day, GYLF Ambassador Philip Johnson paid a courtesy visit to Vacation Bible School. He brought gifts which included food supplies and...