Published on Thursday 21st January 2021
How are you making preparations to meet God? Are you winning souls? Are you impacting your world with God’s investment in you? What feats do you plan to achieve for the Gospel in the Year of Preparation? Watch this video and be stirred to do more for the kingdom of God this year. Read inspiring impact reports via #GYLF
It's that season again where millions of youths from all over the world will hook up online for a life transforming and destiny changing meeting. You can't afford to miss...
The message 'HOW TO BE A SUCCESS FOR JESUS’ is now available in 5 MORE LANGUAGES! (Nepali,Hindi,Afrikaans,Italian and Zulu) Glorrrrry!!!Language is no longer a barrier as millions of young people...
Our man of God Rev.(Dr) Chris Oyakhilome Dsc DD has always said 'Every Child is Your Child', urging us to reach out to indigent children in our environment. As a way of impacting...
GYLF UK leading prayers now! You can pick a prayer slot now @ Join us to make tremendous power available now.