Published on Monday 4th November 2019
GYLF Ambassadors sharing about enormous impact of the forum in their various catchments.
Our man of God Rev.(Dr) Chris Oyakhilome Dsc DD has always said 'Every Child is Your Child', urging us to reach out to indigent children in our environment. As a way of impacting...
Watch the Highly Esteemed Pastor Dupe Isesele as she lectures on the GYLF Academy this month of October on 'Personal Effectiveness' Register Now!
This April, the GYLF will be saturating every nook and cranny of Europe with the Gospel of our Lord Jesus, with several training and leadership symposium included. Are you ready? It's going to be...
There is no doubt that this timeless classic "How to be a Success for Jesus" has been a major tool for revolutionary transformation and the impact in the lives of young people keep spreading like...