Published on Wednesday 4th November 2020
The message 'HOW TO BE A SUCCESS FOR JESUS’ is now available in 5 MORE LANGUAGES! (Nepali,Hindi,Afrikaans,Italian and Zulu) Glorrrrry!!!
Language is no longer a barrier as millions of young people will hear God speak to them in their native dialect, and they will receive clear direction for their lives.
To sponsor a translation of this message visit or kindly call +2348025013854, +2348033882790
Enriching youth programming✔️ Non-stop inspiration✔️ Creative content✔️ Enlightening discussions✔️ Variety shows✔️ Sports & Games✔️ We got you covered on GYTV all through...
The GYLF team in Juba lead by Ambassador Mary Mukeba were invited on SSBC TV as a result of their remarkable and notable impact on youths in South Sudan. Ambassador Mary and her...
Be a part of Healing Streams today. 1️⃣ Pray - Join the Prayer Clouds and host prayer sessions on your virtual center. Kindly visit: 2️⃣...
Young people from all around the world will be praying today at the Global Day of Prayer with Pastor Chris and Pastor Benny. Participate live at this epoch making event by watching on...